Biodiversity 2013-2015
We are currently in our 2nd year of our Biodiversity Flag.
All of the classes and teachers have been very busy building bird feeders to provide nourishment for the birds for the Winter around the school
We have completed our Biodiversity Awareness Surveys this year and last year and we have done a habitat survey as part of our Action Plan.We are about to do our second Habitat Survey around our school as now we have a Hedgehog House, bird feeders and a minibeast hotel. Thanks to Shay for all his work with these.
Be sure to check our our Green Schools Noticeboard just inside the main door opposite 5th class.
Green Flag Award Ceremony May 20 2015 Helix DCU. Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa receives the 5th Flag for Biodiversity.
Present in photograph: Mrs. O' Connor-Daly, Ms. Fitzgerald (teachers)
Green School Committee Members 6th Class
We will have a Flag Raising Day on the 4th June when Dominic Hannigan TD will raise our 5th Flag for us.
Present in photograph: Mrs. O' Connor-Daly, Ms. Fitzgerald (teachers)
Green School Committee Members 6th Class
We will have a Flag Raising Day on the 4th June when Dominic Hannigan TD will raise our 5th Flag for us.