The development of Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa as an Active School is made possible as a result of parents, pupils, teachers, and the local community working together as partners.
The school has cultivated strong links with other clubs: athletic, cricket, soccer, rugby and Playball.
It has also drawn on the resources of the Irish Heart Foundation for its ‘Busy Breaks’, 'Homework Diaries' and 'Action for Life' Lesson Plans.
The Local Sports Partnership and HSE Health Promotion Officer have been informed that Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa is engaged in the Active Flag process.
The development of Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa as an Active School is made possible as a result of parents, pupils, teachers, and the local community working together as partners.
The school has cultivated strong links with other clubs: athletic, cricket, soccer, rugby and Playball.
It has also drawn on the resources of the Irish Heart Foundation for its ‘Busy Breaks’, 'Homework Diaries' and 'Action for Life' Lesson Plans.
The Local Sports Partnership and HSE Health Promotion Officer have been informed that Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa is engaged in the Active Flag process.
Sports Day 2018
Once again, Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa had a very enjoyable, successful sports day.
Every year Our Sports Day illustrates the importance of Partnership in promoting and maintaining an active school.
The success is due to the contribution and co-operation of a large number of people. Two different venues are used –the school grounds and the local GAA pitch.
This year, pupils participated in a wide range of activities facilitated by parents, a number of chosen past pupils, our Dance Teacher (Rita Doyle), Playball coaches, Meath GAA, a Frisbee coach and staff members.
All pupils took part in races- regular and novelty (egg & spoon, sack, three-legged, hopper, hurdle and relay).
The Senior pupils spent the day in the local GAA pitch. They got the opportunity to participate in different races as well as rounders, Frisbee, GAA coaching, high jump, ball throwing, an obstacle course and tug – o- war.
At the school, Junior pupils enjoyed Playball, an obstacle course, parachute games, dance, hoola hoops, musical statues, tag games, scoopers and the playscape area.
Working together as Partners creates a very positive atmosphere within our school and ensures the success of any project or initiative that is embarked upon.
Earlier in the year 6th class enjoyed training in Cycling Safety
3rd and 5th class attended swimming lessons for six weeks in the local “Aura” swimming pool in Trim
Local Blackhall Gaels and Meath footballer Donnacha Tobin, who is participating in the GPA Réalta programme, provided lessons to the 6th class teacher on Health and Well-being.
He also spoke to all the pupils in Assembly about the importance of exercise and healthy eating in relation to their physical development and overall well-being.
Donnacha also coached a few lucky classes in GAA drills and skills.
He also spoke to all the pupils in Assembly about the importance of exercise and healthy eating in relation to their physical development and overall well-being.
Donnacha also coached a few lucky classes in GAA drills and skills.
Parents with expertise in particular sports were invited into our school during ASW.
Shooting Stars Soccer Coach worked with pupils from Infants to 2nd class.
All classes enjoyed six weeks of dancing lessons with dance teacher Rita Doyle.